OK. I've finally jumped on board with this one. A lot of my fb friends are using it, so I thought I should see what it's about. I still haven't figured out what makes Instragram such a big deal, though. If I can take pictures directly from fb and post them, why do I need a third-party app to do that? If instagram is like fb for picture-takers, then how is it different from Pinterest? I guess I'll have to spend some more time playing with this to find out!
...1/2 hour later.... I've figured out how to search through hashtags now, but I'm still leaning toward liking Pinterest better than instagram. In Pinterest, you can follow someone's board, and that is hopefully going to be limited to a particular subject. When you follow in Instragram, you follow the person posting the picture, and it may be that person only posts a few pictures that you're actually interested in. Makes me feel more like a creeper to just randomly follow a stranger and see everything they post versus following a subject specific board....
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