Sunday, January 19, 2014

Not very mobile friendly

I was playing around with adding more sidebar info to my blog.  Blogger makes me need a full mouse click/drag ability in order to finish customizing my blog.  Loving my ipad means that if I have to power up the desktop on the weekend, it's too much like work and I won't do it.


I feel that working with my ipad puts me in a "middle" category:  the device allows me access to blogger's full website, but with restrictions.  The blogger app is clearly designed for a smaller device that only allows the basics of jotting a post.  I keep beginning with the app and ending by switching to the full website experience, even with its restrictions.

I am still wondering if I should try another blogging platform alltogether.

Later..... Also, the ipad doesn't play nice with the goodreads widget I added to my blog.  That's a bummer.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Went back to the website to register this blog and discovered that if I had read the instructions before I downloaded the app, I would have been warned in advance about needing the full website to start a new blog.  Just goes to show that it's always best to read the instructions instead of just plowing ahead!

So I guess I'll give the blogger app another chance rather than trying a whole new platform.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Begin again... 23 mobile things!

I've worked with blogger on and off for a few years now, so I'm familiar with the concept.  I don't use blogs in an ongoing manner, though.  I've always used them within the context of a specific project.  For example, as an online discussion forum for community focus groups.

I also used pbworks very successfully with my extended family as we compiled a family history to give to my in-laws as an anniversary gift.

With this 23 mobile things project, I was disappointed with blogger's ipad app immediately because I was not able to set up this new blog within my existing account.  I had to log in via the website to get the full dashboard options so that I could add this second blog to my account.

---Advice from Leadership Training: To be successful, always do the hard things first.---